Di Duan

I am a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Information Engineering at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), advised by Prof. Guoliang Xing (IEEE Fellow). Before join CUHK AIOT lab, I obtained my Ph.D. degree from the Department of Computer Science at City University of Hong Kong (CityU), supervised by Dr. Weitao Xu (IEEE Senior Member) and co-supervised by Prof. Xiaohua Jia (IEEE Fellow), I also work closely with Dr. Tianxing Li. Prior to that, I obtained my M.Sc. degree from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) in 2019, and my B.E. degree from the Harbin Engineering University (HEU) in 2018, respectively.

My research lies at the intersection of Mobile Computing and Human-Computer Interaction — with a special focus on system-enabled novel applications, wearable sensing, and deep learning. I received the IEEE PerCom 2023 Mark Weiser Best Paper Award.

I'm focusing on system-enabled novel applications and human-computer interaction.

Email: duandiacademic [AT] gmail [DOT] com
CUHK: diduan [AT] cuhk [DOT] edu [DOT] hk

Email  /  CV (Updated: 2024-10)  /  Google Scholar  /  LinkedIn

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  • [2024/10] Glad to be invitied as a TPC member of CHCHI (Chinese CHI) 2024.
  • [2024/10] One co-first authored paper, Medusa3D, received the Honorable Mention Award at MobileHCI 2024.
  • [2024/07] Glad to be invitied as a TPC member of ICPADS 2024.
  • [2024/07] I will join the CUHK AIoT Lab as a Postdoctoral Fellow, working directly with Prof. Guoliang Xing.
  • [2024/06] News❗️ I'm pleased to share with everyone that I have just passed my Ph.D. defense.
  • [2024/04] One co-first authored paper Medusa3D is conditionally accepted (with minor revision) by MobileHCI'24.
  • [2024/03] I'm serving as the Publicity Chair of BobySys Workshop (MobiSys 2024). Please refer to our official website.
  • [2024/03] Our paper F2Key is accepted by MobiSys'24. I will present this paper in Tokyo in Jun. 2024.
  • [2024/02] One co-authored paper RF-Egg is accepted by MobiCom'24.
  • [2023/10] Our paper EarSE is accepted by IMWUT/UbiComp'24. I will present this paper in Melbourne in Oct. 2024.
  • [2023/03] Receive Monetary Award of 300 USD from Elsevier.
  • [2023/03] Our paper EMGSense received the Mark Weiser Best Paper Award at PerCom 2023.


[C] Conference [J] Journal [W] Workshop [P] Poster (*co-first authors)
The underlined first author is under my guidance.

Main Publications

  • [C] F2Key: Dynamically Converting Your Face into a Private Key Based on COTS Headphones for Reliable Voice Interaction
    Di Duan, Zehua Sun, Tao Ni, Shuaicheng Li, Xiaohua Jia, Weitao Xu, Tianxing Li
    [MobiSys'24] The 22nd ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services
    accpetance rate: 16.3%
  • [C] EarSE: Bringing Robust Speech Enhancement to COTS Headphones
    Di Duan, Yongliang Chen, Weitao Xu, Tianxing Li
    [IMWUT/UbiComp'24] ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies
  • [C] EMGSense: A Low-Effort Self-Supervised Domain Adaptation Framework for EMG Sensing
    Di Duan, Huanqi Yang, Guohao Lan, Tianxing Li, Xiaohua Jia, Weitao Xu
    [PerCom'23] The 21st International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications
    accpetance rate: 16.9% 🏆 Mark Weiser Best Paper Award (1/159) [link]
    CCF B CORE A* Best Paper Award
  • [C] Medusa3D: The Watchful Eye Freezing Illegitimate Users in Virtual Reality Interactions
    Aochen Jiao*, Di Duan* (*co-first authors), Weitao Xu
    [MobileHCI'24] The ACM International Conference on Mobile Human-Computer Interaction
    accpetance rate: 32.6% 🏆 Honorable Mention Award (3/141) [link]
    CCF B CORE B Honorable Mention Award

Other Publications

  • [J] Scenario-Adaptive Key Establishment Scheme for LoRa-enabled IoV Communications
    Huanqi Yang, Di Duan, Hongbo Liu, Chengwen Luo, Yuezhong Wu, Wei Li, Albert Y. Zomaya, Linqi Song, Weitao Xu
    [TMC] IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
  • [C] RF-Egg: An RF Solution for Fine-Grained Multi-Target and Multi-Task Egg Incubation Sensing
    Zehua Sun, Tao Ni, Yongliang Chen, Di Duan, Kai Liu, Weitao Xu
    [MobiCom'24] The 30th Annual International Conference On Mobile Computing And Networking
  • [J] mmSign: mmWave-based Few-Shot Online Handwritten Signature Verification
    Mingda Han, Huanqi Yang, Tao Ni, Di Duan, Mengzhe Ruan, Yongliang Chen, Jia Zhang, Weitao Xu
    [TOSN] ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks
  • [W] EarDA: Towards Accurate and Data-Efficient Earable Activity Sensing
    Shengzhe Lyu, Yongliang Chen, Di Duan, Renqi Jia, Weitao Xu
    [CSCAIoTSys] CPS-IoT Week 2024 Workshop on Coupling of Sensing & Computing in AIoT Systems

Selected Projects

[MobiSys'24] F2Key: Dynamically Converting Your Face into a Private Key Based on COTS Headphones for Reliable Voice Interaction
Di Duan, Zehua Sun, Tao Ni, Shuaicheng Li, Xiaohua Jia, Weitao Xu, Tianxing Li
[paper] [cite] [slide]

F2Key is the first earable physical security system based on COTS headphones that enables several security-related applications, such as artifacts anti-counterfeiting, speech manipulation/deepfake detection, defence against voiceprint-based attacks.

[IMWUT/UbiComp'24] EarSE: Bringing Robust Speech Enhancement to COTS Headphones
Di Duan, Yongliang Chen, Weitao Xu, Tianxing Li
[paper] [cite] [slide]

EarSE is a pioneer in exploring boom mic sensing, for the first time utilizing COTS headphones and boom/modular microphones to establish a stable acoustic sensing field across the user's face. It filters out ambient noise to obtain the wearer's clean speech in a multi-modality manner.

[PerCom'23] EMGSense: A Low-Effort Self-Supervised Domain Adaptation Framework for EMG Sensing
Di Duan, Huanqi Yang, Guohao Lan, Tianxing Li, Xiaohua Jia, Weitao Xu
[paper] [cite]
🏆 Mark Weiser Best Paper Award (1/159)

EMGSense framework addresses the biological heterogeneity problem in cross-domain deployment of EMG-based applications in a low-effort manner, combining domain adaptation and self-supervised learning techniques.

Professional Services

  • 2024 MobiSys-BodySys Workshop: Publicity Chair
  • Artifact Evaluation Committee (AEC): MobiSys 2024
  • Technical Program Committee (TPC): ICPADS 2024, Chinese CHI 2024
  • Conference Review (invited review): CHI'25, MobiCom'25, SenSys'24, IPSN'24, IOTDI'24, ICDCS'24, DCOSS-IoT'24, IPSN'23
  • Journal Review (invited review): TMC (IEEE Trans), HEALTH (ACM Trans), Ad Hoc Networks

Teaching Experience

  • [IERG6200] Advanced Topics in Computer Networks, Course Manager, 2024R1-IERG6200, CUHK
  • [CS1302] Introduction to Computer Programming (Python), Teaching Assistant, 2023/24 Semester B, CityU
  • [CS1302] Introduction to Computer Programming (Python), Tutor, 2023/24 Semester A, CityU
  • [CS1302] Introduction to Computer Programming (Python), Teaching Assistant, 2022/23 Semester B, CityU
  • [CS1302] Introduction to Computer Programming (Python), Teaching Assistant, 2022/23 Semester A, CityU
  • [CS1302] Introduction to Computer Programming (Python), Tutor, 2021/22 Semester B, CityU
  • [CS1302] Introduction to Computer Programming (Python), Teaching Assistant, 2021/22 Semester A, CityU
  • [CS1302] Introduction to Computer Programming (Python), Teaching Assistant, 2020/21 Semester B, CityU
  • [CS1302] Introduction to Computer Programming (Python), Teaching Assistant, 2020/21 Semester A, CityU

Last updated Jun. 2024

Design and source code from Jon Barron's website.